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Showing posts with the label chiminea

How to use a clay chiminea for the first time

Curing your Clay Chiminea Chimineas are an increasingly popular choice for gardens across the US and Canada. They bring with them a slightly foreign charm and seem to fit in effortlessly with the natural background. Chimineas come in many materials such as cast iron, ceramic of clay. Here, I will focus on the clay variety with a guide on how to cure your clay chiminea to ensure it lasts long time. Taking care of your chiminea is taking care of any handmade pottery or clay dinnerware. It needs easy steps but important to have it for long time. The outcome of not curating a chiminea Nothing is more frustrating than having a bbq party with family or friends and at once, the chimnea collapse and your patio deck is full or burning firewood. Curing, or firing as it is sometimes referred to as, is an important step that is often overlooked. By curing you ensure that the clay can withstand the changes in heat caused by regular use and cold weather. The process of curating your garden chimn...

What to Know About Chimineas

  What to Know About Chimineas A terracotta or metal chiminea stove can provide a warm, attractive and socially distanced gathering spot in your backyard or patio. Cooler weather doesn’t mean you have to say goodbye to your  backyard gathering area . Find out how a chiminea can add a little warmth and flair to your patio. On This Page What Is a Chiminea? Styles of Chimineas What Are Chinineas Made From? How to Maintain a Chiminea Chiminea Safety What Is a Chiminea? A chiminea , or garden chimney is an outdoor stove, typically with a potbelly shape and a chimney. Although they’re available in cast iron and cast aluminum, most chimineas are made from terracotta clay. Sold at garden stores and home improvement centers, clay chimineas may be plain terracotta or decorated with colorful ceramic glaze. Because chimineas originated in Mexico several hundred years ago, they’re often decorated with Mexican-inspired motifs. Everyone loves to sit around a fire, and a c...

Utilizing a chiminea for the first time

  Utilizing a chiminea for the first time Are you thinking about having a fireplace in the backyard? Maybe you want to consider a chiminea fireplace. Outdoor fire pit chiminea are easy to assemble, they make a great pottery decor and if ever you are moving to a new location, it's easy to just take it with you. Fire pit chimineas are not only for decor, but some models are beautiful pizza oven as well. Today We will be covering the capabilities of these garden fireplaces called chimineas that come with all the accessories for cooking. What is a chiminea? Chimineas are Mexican-inspired garden ovens used to decorate and to cook. Clay chimeneas also spelled  chiminea  (from  Spanish :  chimenea  which derive from  French   cheminĂ©e , "chimney"), is a freestanding front-loading  fireplace  or oven with a bulbous body and usually a vertical smoke vent or chimney. They serve as  wood stove  for patio warmer or just  cuddling...